ADWISE Consulting in cooperation with Savings Bank Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC) has successfully completed the first phase of the capacity building project for the beneficiaries of the Organic Agricultural Support Initiative (Austrian Development Agency (ADA) project).
Within the project we conducted Micro Entrepreneurship Simulation trainings (MEST), which is a game aiming to help the participants gain entrepreneurial thinking, major understanding of challenges and opportunities of micro enterprises, decision-making skills and understanding of basic financial information.
ADWISE is now ready to move to the next phase and conduct Business Plan Development Seminars (BPDS) with further coaching sessions. The aim of BPDS is to develop the business idea into a living business project resulting in a detailed strategy, business and operational plan. This will then be followed up with individual coaching sessions, which will help participants prepare the written concept of their business idea.
We are proud to contribute to the development of organic agriculture in Armenia!