On 20 December, in the framework of the “Lake Sevan new national vision roadmap” activity within the EU4Sevan UNDP project, a national workshop was conducted by ADWISE Consulting.
The workshop brought together representatives of various stakeholder groups with the aim to share and initiate a discussion on the draft vision and the procedures that preceded its development, as well as to refine the initial vision based on the
received feedback and comments.
The workshop was attended by 40 representatives of governmental and public institutions (ministries, local self-government bodies, regional administration), NGOs, academia, and international organizations.
During the workshop an interesting discussion took place, the details of which will be taken into consideration for finalizing the vision and during the further steps stemming from it.
The “Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan” (EU4Sevan) project is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It is part of the BMZ-funded programme “Management of natural resources and safeguarding of ecosystem services for sustainable rural development in the South Caucasus (ECOserve)․” The project is implemented by GIZ and UNDP in Armenia.